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Daffodil details

Bridal Crown





Perianth colour(s)


Corona colour(s)


Originator name

J. Schoorl

Date of first flowering


Seed parent

‘L’Innocence’ sport


Fl. 40 mm wide; perianth and other petaloid segments in several whorls, creamy white; the outer whorl very broad, truncate and mucronate, spreading, sometimes a little twisted, overlapping half; the inner whorls rounded, inflexed, crumpled; those at centre loosely clasped together, usually stained vivid yellow 9A at midrib, with the stained part lifting away from the segment as a flap or spur; corona very short, tightly frilled, darker in tone (brighter than 14A), with rim entire; some corona segments detached and interspersed among the petaloid segments. Strongly scented. 2n=17




*AM(p)  1985 
AGM 2003 
AM Haarlem  1949 

Date when entry last modified

16 April 2009

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If you have a further inquiry about the names of daffodils and/or their parents, it should be made to the International Daffodil Registrar, Melanie Underwood at the following address: RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB, UK. Tel. (+44) (0)1483 212403. E-mail: [email protected].

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